Minding One


Beyond the thought of Morality


Feeling + Thinking = Minding

Minding One is not an ideology or a moral set of values to believe in, but a mean to go beyond these and see behind the actions of life itself and understand it better. Although morality is a great set of guidelines, it doesn’t tell you anything about what other people feel. Therefore we have to go beyond the idea of morality as a virtue and see it more as a personal opinion of what we say and do.

In order to know what we say and do, we have to get past the idea of being good, and see how we are perceived by others and what they think of us. As human beings, we are not good or bad, but alone striving for survival by putting ourselves first. This causes conflicts to arise, as nobody wants to be inferior to others.

Acknowledging one's mistakes can be difficult, as we rarely believe to be doing anything wrong when we are having good intentions. At the same time, the emotions reward us when we support our own survival, why it doesn't always make sense that others are having a bad time while we are having a good one. 



Minding One is about knowing others by knowing oneself. You need to know, why you think and feel the way you do, if you also want to understand others. In order to do that you have to find your emotions by looking at your situation, relation and position.

When you do that you will be Minding


In knowledge of Alfred Adler and Carl Jung